The Runner's Diet Part2

Posted by : INSANPEMBANGUNAN on Monday, September 26, 2011


Fats need to comprise of 20% to 25% of a runner’s diet. For runners, their fat requirements should be taken mostly from mono-unsaturated fats. These fats are liquid fats. They are thought to meet the sports nutritional needs of runners effectively. Good sources of mono-unsaturated fats are natural oils. While red meats, margarine, butter, and other foods that have saturated and poly-unsaturated fats are good, they need to be consumed minimally. Runners should also include foods that are high in Omega-3 fatty acid in their diet.


For muscle stamina, it is recommended that runners take between .5 and .75 gram of protein for every pound of body weight every day. Protein are a good protein source, but they also promote muscle growth, as well as repair muscles. A runner’s diet should have 15% to 25% protein. Good sources of protein are eggs, nuts, beans, fish, low-fat dairy products, and grains.


When the muscles are being worked out vigorously, such as during running, the body responds by sweating. It is important for runners to be hydrated. Runners should constantly replenish the fluids they lose while running so they won’t be dehydrated, grow week, or even have a heat stroke. Runners should drink water before, during, and after running. They should also be drinking throughout the day even when they are not running.

Vitamins and Minerals

According to recent studies, the diet for runners needs to have Vitamins A, C, and E. These three vitamins possess antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are known to fight free radicals, which are cancer-causing agents. Calcium and iron need to also be included in a runner’s diet. Calcium promotes stronger bones and iron facilitates better delivery of oxygen throughout the body. Even though these vitamins and minerals can be found in a lot of supplements, it is still best if they are obtained from food sources.

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